Skeleton model of 85 cm with a high degree of detail
Skeleton model of 85 cm with a high degree of detail
If you are looking for a skeleton in a particularly practical size, which is at once small, breathtaking, detailed and sold at an attractive price, we highly recommend this model. It is also popular with our customers.
The mini skeleton measures 85 cm in height. The quality of the bone casts is good and suitably solid for general. use, but not developed for violent use in, for example, a classroom. The level of detail on the bones is impressive compared to the standard within mini-skeletons. Most joints are held together by metal and/ plastic. Shoulder and hip joints, on the other hand, are fitted with elastics, which allows demonstration of the joints' natural movements.
NB: This version of the mini skeleton model comes on a beautiful and genuine oak base with ground edges and a polished surface. The expression is therefore luxurious and exclusive.
Anatomical features
Anatomical features
Anatomically, the model shows all the bones of the body. Cartilage in the chest and teeth in the upper and lower jaw are also included.
Compared to the standard within mini skeletons, the level of detail on the bones is impressively beautiful. The scope of "osseous landmarks" includes both large details such as the tuberculum majus and minus, as well as more specific details such as the linea aspera on the back of the femur (see images on the left).
On the other hand, the degree of detail is significantly lower on small bones and in small joints. For example, both carpal, metacarpal and finger bones are cast in one piece. The same applies to the feet (see the pictures on the left).
Product flexibility
Product flexibility
In terms of movement, the model is particularly flexible in the shoulder and hip joints, which is unusual for mini skeletons and other skeletons in this low price range. In other joints, the possibilities of movement are limited because the joints are held together by metal and/ plastic. For example, rotation in the knee joints cannot be demonstrated, although both flexion and extension (bending and stretching) are possible.
As mentioned in the description of the anatomy, the hands and feet are each molded in one piece. Therefore, it is not at all possible to move any of the many joints in these regions. However, the wrist is movable.
The skull has a removable skull cap so that the skull base can be seen from above. many details are visible.
The lower jaw is fully movable, as it is mounted with a small spring in the oral cavity.
The shoulder joint is held together by an elastic band. All natural movements in the joint can be demonstrated, but not to the full extent due to the length of the elastic. For example, the arm cannot be lifted completely into the air without hitting the acromion, but this can be circumvented by loosening the elastic (as a starting point, the arm can only be abducted 90 degrees, which corresponds to "shoulder height").
The hip joint is also held together by an elastic band. Unlike the shoulder joint, all natural movements can be demonstrated in full. Furthermore, the femoral head can be easily and quickly removed completely.
The elbow joint is movable, just as rotation of the radius is possible.
the ankle joint is not movable.
Clinical features
Clinical features
Clinically speaking, the skeletal model is ideal for understanding many diseases, disorders and genes in the skeleton.
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For 19 years I have been at the head of eAnatomi and sold anatomical models and posters to 'almost' everyone who has anything to do with anatomy in Denmark and abroad. When you shop at eAnatomi, you shop with me and I personally guarantee a safe deal.
Christian Birksø
Owner and founder of eAnatomi ApS