Four Danish medical students reviewed the poster EA1 - anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
We asked four talented medical students to minutely review our poster. They just had their anatomy exam and were totally shocked to see the whole syllabus (except vessels and nerves) in one place... We heard that there are about 2000 structures to learn the names of.
The students had lots of wise words about the poster, and e.g. were they aware that, unlike other anatomy posters, this one exudes seriousness and professionalism.
"I will definitely be able to use this a lot more than the other anatomy posters. What you see on them, you just have on your spine. There are many more details here, which you forget a little faster."
"It's cool that it's not so mainstream. Many of the other posters can be hung up, but this one shows that it's actually a studio where you have to learn a lot, and here's some knowledge, I user."
- Jennifer
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It's pretty crazy to see it all in one place. Imagine that you have been to the exam in all this.
It gives a very broad overview of what the syllabus actually is. Now, of course, there are not arteries, veins and nerves here, but everything else. Of course, there is no clinical anatomy either, nor does it say how the joints move. However, the parts are mentioned, what they contain, and they are marked.
It's really good, the way it's divided up in relation to the curriculum, where you see, for example, the joints of the foot, and the layers. On the other posters, for example, you have no idea which layer a muscle is in.
This poster will be really good for the beginning of the semester, where you spend 90% of the time looking up all sorts of places to find the structures that are listed. Here you can walk right in and see it straight away.
On this poster, everything is divided, so you know, for example, whether a muscle belongs to the external rotators or the gluteal muscles.
It is quite modern in its expression and looks clean - it is somewhat similar to the illustrations that are in Sobotta's atlas.
With many anatomy posters, you have the feeling that they have done it nicely, so that it is illustrative, when on the other hand it is not anatomically correct. When you see people like that, you never fully trust what is written. There is no doubt that it does not happen here.
The other posters really lack a lot of detail, so when you get further into the semester, they can't really be used for anything. Once you have learned what the muscles are called, there is no more to learn. You can continue to use this poster.
There are some good overviews of the muscles and groups. When I sat and looked at the muscles in the atlas, it was written in very small letters, so I had to make my own notes there. And they actually look a lot like what is shown here on the poster.
I also think it would be good to sit with its reading partner and terp, when you need to know what is in the different muscle groups.
It's cool that it's not so mainstream. Many of the others can all be left hanging, but this one shows that it is actually a study where you have to learn a whole lot, and some knowledge I use.
I think it's really nice and it really shows what we can do. It's not such an amateur poster... It shows that I can actually do all of this, and I've taken the exam for it.
I will definitely be able to use this a lot more than the other anatomy posters. What you see on them, you just have on your spine. Here there are many more details that you forget a little faster.
It's really good that the basis cranii externa is shown here, and it's cool that each picture has written where it is seen from. It's really good.
This is the kind of poster I would really recommend to people who are going to have anatomy. If you must have a poster, don't buy the 'lolled' ones, because you can actually use this one.
If there is something you have to go in and look up, it is much easier to go and look at your poster than to have to find your atlas or go into complete anatomy. Because you know what you're looking for, and then it's just faster to go and locate it. So you can easily use it after the exam too.
I would have liked to know that I could get a poster with all the structures. Everything you need to know. It is also great that the headings are in Danish and the structures are in Latin. Because on all other posters it is either German or English.
It's actually pretty good that the arrow just points directly into the structures. We have spent so many hours trying to find out what they mean. It is so important that you know that what is written is correct, because you spend so much time rummaging around in atlases etc. to find out whether what is written is correct.