eAnatomi has had more skeletons in its closet than most.

Christian Birksø and parcel transport
No one knows exactly how many skeletons have been sent over the years, but we're guessing several thousand.
2012, Christian Birksø, founder of eAnatomi wheels today's shipments off to the post office behind Central Station in Copenhagen
Our history
Brains for the people
In 2004, Christian Birksø began selling anatomical plastic models of the brain to his fellow psychology students at the University of Copenhagen. The plastic brain models were the beginning of what is now one of Scandinavia's largest distributors of anatomical models for educational purposes. The company will be called eAnatomy and will focus on importing existing models and posters from other manufacturers around the world.
When Christian started at the University of Copenhagen, it was with lecturers such as Anders Gade and Jesper Simonsen, who often brought a plastic brain to class in order to create an understanding of the complex structures and their location. It's always exciting how something tactile, something you can see and touch, can increase understanding so significantly. Explaining the Amygdala's location in the temporal lobe suddenly became easy, now that it was possible to see the location, and then feel it, on the plastic brain.
There were several students who, via difficult paths abroad, got hold of a model and the envy and excitement among the other students was great when the models were proudly displayed in the classroom. For the same reason, it was obvious to Christian to find another way, by which it became easy and straightforward to acquire his own brain model.
Christian, had previously sold many other exotic products, so the business foundation was in place and before long the first agreement with a German manufacturer of brain models was concluded. Let's put it this way, 'brains to the people' were delivered in a big way thereafter.
Along with the brains came many other anatomical products and because the time back then had limited online trading options, it turned out that Christian's little shop was among the first, if not the first!, to make it easy and straightforward to order brains, but also all other imaginable anatomical models and posters online.
in 2005 the import from Asia began and even though Christian lived on the 4th floor without an elevator, everything was carried up, one box at a time and the apartment was set up for storage;
In 2007, the warehouse moved to Ingemannsvej in Frederiksberg, where everything grew in volume;
in 2012 eAnatomi moved to Nybrogade in inner Copenhagen opposite Christiansborg. Half of a beautiful mansion was filled with skeletons and Christian had a party;
in 2014, the company moved to Naverland in Glostrup's industrial quarter, where distribution was made more efficient and Christian, at long last, no longer had to have skeletons in the cupboard;
Today, eAnatomy is a company that, via its own development department, supplies a growing range of models, but especially anatomical posters. With websites in several countries, international distribution and marketing of the brands eAnatomy and Anatomic Aesthetics, the mission is to create a growing export market that can put Denmark on the map for original and not least brilliant anatomical teaching aids.