The acupuncture posters and about creating something new - with Christian Slot
In 2018, Christian Birksø contacted Christian Slot to see if a collaboration could take place with the goal of producing a new series of acupuncture posters that could once and for all offer a beautiful and useful alternative to the large selection of mediocre and poorly designed posters , which already existed on the market. It turned out that Christian Slot, a teacher, school leader and acupuncturist with 30 years of experience, had the same goal and was happy to receive the call. Not long after, an agreement was reached, which a year later resulted in the new and later very popular acupuncture posters called 'De ssentielle plakater.'
While Christian Birksø managed the production and organization of illustrations and the graphic design used as the basis for the posters, Christian Slot arranged and dictated the content. "Nothing comes easy and nothing comes quickly if it is to be good." - said Christian Birksø in 2018.
"These posters have taken shape with the background of a reconsideration of what an acupuncture poster should show, - what it should be able to be used for, as well as how to create a product that at the same time offers more than just information.
Personally, I think that an acupuncture poster should be able to create an overview. It must be able to act as a guide - when the eye is looking for the missing or forgotten information. This is where it must be sharp, and at the same time it must be beautiful and create calm in the room in which it is to be hung. When the poster is sharp, it shows the contexts that are usually only shown in advertisements in books. Here, colors become significant, as they already exist, e.g. in the 5-element doctrine. Green is therefore linked to the WOOD element, which makes it natural to let, for example, the Liver and Gallbladder meridian appear in green colours. Yin is dark, compared to Yang, which is light. The liver meridian will therefore be dark green. The gallbladder meridian is therefore light green. The Shu and Mo points of the Liver use the same symbolism. This of course also applies to the Gallbladder. If we look at the 5-element points, the same symbolism applies – The color green symbolizes a tree point. The same thinking naturally goes through each individual organ/meridian connection, as well as point connection.
The use of colours, as well as the sorting of what is relevant on these posters - as well as the calmness the posters exude - it is probably here that the posters differ the most from what is commonly seen on the market. Perhaps it should also be the case that the other posters in the series are created from the same language, and thus communicate connections across each one."
- Christian Castle
The collaboration between Christan Slot and eAnatomi* has so far resulted in the unique and original acupuncture poster set, the poster about the 5-element law and the latest poster about muscular reflexology and more will follow. You can read all about the products in the store.
*eAnatomi today uses the brand name Anatomic Aesthetics as supplier identity in the marketing of the acupuncture posters.