Highly detailed mini torso with 15 removable parts and male and female genitalia
2nd display in the range:
1) Price: DKK 1,475 (incl. VAT)
2) Size: 40 cm in height and weighs approximately 2 kg
3) Removable parts: 15 pcs.
4) Color, stand, material quality and inclusive/exclusive list of names
The skin looks like rubber which seems a bit dull. The other colors appear in brownish shades, appear muted but at the same time shiny. The stand is an approximately 1½ cm thick plastic plate in grey-white, which measures approx. 17 x 12 cm. The material quality seems good and very robust in all the model's tissues, although the skin and several of the non-removable parts look artificial (e.g. the spleen and nerves in the pelvis).
On the torso model, the most important anatomical structures are numbered. An English one is included
list of names.
5) Anatomical details (mentioned from the top of the model downwards in the following 4 groups)
I - The musculoskeletal system (bones, cartilage, ligaments, fascia and skeletal muscles)
Of bones only the inside of the skull can be seen in the left half of the head, because the head can be split across and the left part of the brain can be taken out. The inside is colored blue with many lines, which may be to illustrate traces of a. meningea media. There are only hints of holes in the base of the skull and very few bony projections.
In the cross-section of the head, bony structures such as the lamina cribrosa, parts of the os occipitale and os sphenoidal, small parts of the upper and lower jaw and the upper cervical vertebrae with discs can be seen. Inside the torso, the clavicle and ribs can be seen in cross-section at the open and cut-through chest wall. In the pelvis, the iliac crests and a few tiny visible bony structures can be seen at the bottom.
Cartilage is shown in blue on the nose, in the throat, in the trachea and between the neck vertebrae (disci).
Ligaments can be seen very clearly at the cervical vertebrae as well as on the front of the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum.
Fascia not seen.
Skeletal muscles seen to a very small extent. In the cross-section of the head, few muscles can be seen around the mouth (inside) and pharynx. In addition, a few pectoral muscles, a few abdominal muscles and a number of muscles in the pelvis can be identified.
II – Blood vessels (arteries and veins), nerves and the lymphatic system as well as other things such as salivary glands
Only the very largest arteries and veins are included. They are seen in the throat, chest cavity and abdomen. The beginning of the branching to the legs is also seen.
The blood supply of the brain and the intestinal system is not shown. Branching of blood vessels is very clear and dominant in the lungs as well as outside the heart.
The nervous system is shown in 2 places. In the cross-section of the head, the spinal cord is seen as a uniform white mass at the upper cervical vertebrae. In addition, very clear yellow spinal nerves can be seen from the lower lumbar vertebra and from the entire sacrum. Neither the lymphatic system nor oral salivary glands are included.
III – Internal organs (grouped)
The brain : Only the left part of the brain can be taken out (in one piece), and the shape but not the color is realistic. It is not that big and you see many neuroanatomical structures. You can easily see the overall division into cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem. In the cerebrum (telencephalon and diencephalon), the 1st - 4th cerebral lobes as well as the thalamus and hypothalamus (and the pituitary gland) are primarily seen. In the cerebellum, both the tonsilla and vermis are seen. In the brainstem you can see the cranial nerves and the 3 different parts (the midbrain, the brainstem and the medulla oblongata). Other structures such as the brain stem, fornix and the first 2 cranial nerves are also seen. Since a cross-section of the entire head can be seen, the transition between the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord can be seen.
Chest cavity organs: The heart can be taken out and divided into 2. On the surface, the heart's blood supply can be seen in typical red and blue color as well as larger blood vessels to and from the heart. When the front part of the heart is lifted off, all 4 valves are seen in the form of the 2 different valve systems. There are clear differences in the inner surface of atria versus heart chambers. Furthermore, it is clearly seen that the muscle wall (the myocardium) is thickest in the left ventricle. The impulse conduction system is not visible, but details such as the fossa ovalis, ostium sinus coronarii and papillary muscles can be felt with a good will.
Both lungs can be divided into 2 and the front part of each lung can be taken out. You can see the division into lobes, the marbled surface, the root of the lung and the branching of the bronchi, arteries and veins. Esophagus, thoracic aorta and trachea (with main bronchi) is clearly seen when the heart is taken out. The surface of the esophagus appears muscular and its passage through the diaphragm is evident. The middle floor cannot be taken out.
Abdominal organs: The stomach can be taken out but not opened. The pancreas, the entire small intestine and the entire colon can be removed in one piece. The pancreas appears without its characteristic duct, but a flap can instead be lifted from the intestinal wall at the ileocaecal site – i.e. the end of the small intestine, the caecum and the beginning of the ascending colon. This shows the intestinal lumen
with folds in the mucosa. Furthermore, the appendix vermiformis is seen as well as the three characteristics: Haustra coli, taeniae coli and appendices epiploicae.
Liver and gallbladder can be removed in one piece. Larger blood vessels and ligaments/peritoneal folds are seen.
The spleen cannot be taken out. It appears with a small oval opening where red and blue blood vessels can be seen.
Kidneys and adrenal glands cannot be taken out or opened, but the ureters are clearly visible.
Genitals, bladder and rectum belonging to the man or woman can be inserted. Both "sets" can be divided into 2, so that a cross-section can be seen. The cross-section of both sets shows the lumen of the rectum and the interior of the urinary bladder. You can also see many details such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and labia in one set, as well as testicles, epididymis, prostate and penis in the other.
When looking at the torso without genitalia, pelvic muscles and yellow spinal nerves from the sacrum and 5th lumbar vertebra are visible. Furthermore, the sacrum and 5th lumbar vertebra are seen in light blue, which is probably to illustrate ligaments.
IV – The sensory organs: Skin, eyes and ear-nose-throat
The skin seems artificial and rubbery. Seen without hair and the like.
The eyes are uninteresting. The pupil, the iris and the sclera are painted on.
The ears are closed - but beautiful.
The nasal cavity (and the oral cavity) can be seen very clearly in cross-section because the head can be divided in 2. The neck cannot be divided in 2, but on the front some structures are visible (primarily front part of the throat, thyroid gland and blood vessels). In the oral cavity, mostly only the tongue is seen, while mainly clam bones are seen in the nasal cavity. In addition to some sinuses, you can also see a large part of the pharynx.