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Innovative and robust simulator of disc herniation

Innovative and robust simulator of disc herniation

Regular price $113.00 USD
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If you are looking for a robust and enlarged simulator for understanding disc herniation, we would highly recommend this one. Its realistic simulation has received notable recognition numerous times.

The "bones" of the simulator are approximately twice the size of the bones of an adult person.

It weighs 1 kg and comes with a stand.

Anatomical features

Anatomically, the simulator shows 2 lumbar vertebrae and therefore the two most important joint types in the spinal column, which are the symphyses (disci/band discs) between the vertebral bodies and the facet joints, which are sliding joints between the vertebrae's pivots. It is developed for dynamic use, and therefore the joints are not as anatomically precise. Spinal nerves are very clear (with both anterior and posterior radix), while the bone tissue is transparent.

Product flexibility

In terms of movement, this simulator is extremely flexible. The 2 lumbar vertebrae are not ideal for demonstrating the movement of the spine naturally, but their vertebral bodies can both be compressed and slightly rotated. With both movements, a lateral disc herniation and its consequences can be demonstrated in a dynamic and dramatic way (see the pictures on the left).

The simulator is robust and developed for very active use. For example, it can be used by a group of students at a lecture.

Clinical features

Clinically speaking, this model is primarily developed for the understanding of disc herniation.

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A safe deal

For 19 years I have been at the head of eAnatomi and sold anatomical models and posters to 'almost' everyone who has anything to do with anatomy in Denmark and abroad. When you shop at eAnatomi, you shop with me and I personally guarantee a safe deal.

Christian Birksø
Owner and founder of eAnatomi ApS

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