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Model illustrating the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid

Model illustrating the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid

Regular price $439.00 USD
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Are you looking for a model that makes it easy and clear to understand the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through the brain? With different colors and arrows indicating the direction of the liquid's movement, this model helps you well on your way.

The model weighs 0.86 kg, has the dimensions 25 x 18 x 12 cm (height x length x width) and is delivered on a white stand.

The individual structures displayed by the model can be identified via an accompanying product manual in English.

Anatomical features

Anatomically, the model shows, via a sagittal section through the brain and skull, how the cerebrospinal fluid is found in the ventricular system and the subarachnoid space.

Surrounding the brain are the three meninges, which from innermost to outermost are:

Pia mater - marked in red
Arachnoidea mater - marked with pink
Dura mater - marked in gray

Between the pia mater and the arachnoid mater is the subarachnoid space.

The brain's ventricular system, where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced, is also seen. This consists of four cavities, all of which are filled with cerebrospinal fluid:

The lateral ventricles - of these there are two, one in each hemisphere
Third ventricle - found in the midbrain (diencephalon)
Fourth ventricle - (located between the brainstem and the cerebellum)

The transition between the ventricular system and the subarachnoid space is found in the fourth ventricle. Therefore, all the cerebrospinal fluid that is in the lateral ventricles and third ventricle will flow here first.

Beyond the fourth ventricle, an expansion of the subarachnoid space (cisterna cerebellomedullaris) is seen, into which the cerebrospinal fluid is emptied through holes in the wall of the fourth ventricle. From here, the fluid is distributed in the rest of the subarachnoid space, which surrounds both the brain and the spinal cord.

From the subarachnoid space, the cerebrospinal fluid drains into the venous system.

Product flexibility

Clinical features

Clinically speaking, the model can be used for a general understanding of lesions and disorders in the areas of the brain that are seen on the model.

For example, the model can be used to understand inflammatory conditions in the meninges (meningitis) or bleeding in the brain (e.g. subdural and epidural bleeding).

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A safe deal

For 19 years I have been at the head of eAnatomi and sold anatomical models and posters to 'almost' everyone who has anything to do with anatomy in Denmark and abroad. When you shop at eAnatomi, you shop with me and I personally guarantee a safe deal.

Christian Birksø
Owner and founder of eAnatomi ApS

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